Thursday, May 12, 2011

Seeking God’s Will in Prayer

One of my heroes of faith in the Bible is David, the King of Israel. David is described by God as “a man after my own heart” (Acts 13:22). This heart for God is reflected in David’s dependence upon the LORD in prayer.

A great example of David’s prayer life is recorded in the Bible in the events leading up to David being anointed as King. David truly sought the LORD’s lead in his life as is demonstrated in the following conversation with the LORD:

After this, David asked the LORD, “Should I move back to one of the towns of Judah?”
“Yes,” the LORD replied.
Then David asked, “Which town should I go to?”
“To Hebron,” the LORD answered.
2 Samuel 2:1 NLT

When is the last time you asked the LORD a specific question regarding a decision in life you were facing? Did you really desire and expect a specific answer? Have you been running ahead of God in your life as opposed to really seeking His direction? How would your life change and inner peace grow if you were to follow David’s example of prayer?

Family Devotional Thought:
Read the above devotional with your spouse and children. Discuss some specific examples of recent or upcoming decisions in your marriage and/or family that need to be committed to prayer. Spend some time as a couple or family praying specifically about these decisions. Begin journaling your family’s specific prayer requests and subsequent answered prayers. Look for and celebrate the specific answers to these prayers!

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