Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tears on Prom Night

Today was a day of both joy and sadness. My wife and I joined other parents in taking pictures of a group of 20 young bright, well-dressed, smiling teenagers preparing for their high school prom. A special night for special young people who all seem to be headed for a bright, promising future.

Following that joyful experience, I drove to my favorite coffee shop to collect my thoughts for tomorrow morning's message. While reading my Bible and firing up my lap top, I noticed a high school girl all dressed up and yet sitting all alone with her camera. I continued to reading my Bible watching other prom dressed couples walk by from a local restaurant, hoping that someone would join this young woman sitting all alone and yet ... no one did. She eventually stood up, walked away passing my table taking with her some very sad eyes. I encouraged her with the following words that seemed to fall extremely flat, "I hope you have a nice evening!"

As she walked away, I continued to read my Bible and I read the following words that were originally a prayer to God (a Psalm) from a guy named David: "You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book." (Psalm 56:8)

And then I turned a few pages and read another Psalm of David that read, "I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry ... But may all who search for you be filled with joy and gladness in you. May those who love your salvation repeatedly shout, “The Lord is great!”" (Psalm 40:1, 16)

I looked around hoping that I could somehow catch this sad, young lady to share with her the good news that although she might feel all alone on Prom Night, that God loves her and if she will seek Him, she can find lasting joy much deeper than the happiness of prom night. Although I couldn't find her, my prayer is that the LORD will reach down and touch her heart (and all those who feel alone) in a special way on this night!

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