Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Practice of the Presence of God

Here is an encouraging thought … the God of the Universe wants to do life with you and me!

Have you been keeping God in a compartmental portion of your life? Or have you understood and accepted that God has invited you and me to go through life with Him?

Recently, I have been seeking to understand this in a deeper way as I have been reading a very small book and yet a very powerful book entitled, “The Practice of the Presence of God.”

The author known simply as Brother Lawrence lived in France during the 17th century and although he lived a very modest and (seemingly insignificant) life he wrote down some words that are very significant. He wrote …

“There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual conversation with God. Only those can comprehend it who practice and experience it. Yet I do not advise you to do it from that motive. It is not pleasure which we ought to seek in this exercise. Let us do it from a principle of love, and because it is God’s will for us.

Were I a preacher, I would above all other things preach the practice of the presence of God. … Resolve to spend the rest of your days in His sacred presence.… Set heartily about this work, and if you do it sincerely, be assured that you will soon find the effects of it.” -- The Practice of the Presence of God written by Brother Lawrence

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