Thursday, July 15, 2010

Heroes of Faith

This week at Heroes Headquarters (a.k.a. Vacation Bible School), more than 100 children have been learning important life lessons regarding faith in God. It has been encouraging to see the eager hearts of children to learn more about God and the incredible stories of faith in the Bible.

Last night the children learned that faith means believing in a God that we cannot see. During the Bible story portion of the evening, the children heard the story of the faithful Roman army officer (the story of the Centurion is found in Matthew 8) who trusted that Jesus could heal his young servant by simply speaking the word!

Jesus responded to the Centurion’s faith with the following statement, “I tell you the truth, I haven’t seen faith like this in all Israel!” (Matthew 8:10) And then later Jesus acted upon the Roman officer’s faith by healing his servant and further explaining the nature of faith with these encouraging words: “Because you believed, it has happened” (Matthew 8:13).

This week as a volunteer at Heroes Headquarters, I have been encouraged and challenged by the simple trusting faith of both the Centurion and the children participating in Vacation Bible School. The eager, pure, trusting, faithful hearts of the children have reminded me of another statement that Jesus taught, “I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it” (Luke 18:17).

You see both the Centurion and the children are heroes of faith to me!

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